Working with independent authors since 2018. Let me help you prepare your book for publication.
Why work with a copyeditor/proofreader and an indexer?
As your copyeditor/proofreader, I will read your manuscript carefully to find any inconsistencies and errors. Steps include checking for grammar, punctuation, spelling, clarity, and readability along with basic fact checking.
As your indexer, I will study your entire manuscript word for word and compile a comprehensive and accurate back of the book index that greatly enhances your book and provides an invaluable service for your readers.
Projects I work on
I have been working with independent authors since 2018. I copyedit, proofread, format, index, and help self-publish books on Amazon KDP.
I specialize in spiritual books, non-fiction, and memoirs but also work on website texts, blog posts, brochures, etc.
As I am bilingual in English and German, I regularly proofread AI translated texts. Machine translations are getting better, but it still takes a professional human like me to transform a text into a smooth and enjoyable reading experience for a native audience.